Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tango...the aftermath

We began work yesterday on the dances for V&V. Roxie put together a simple, but impressive-looking tango that took only an hour and a half for us all to learn but will take the rest of our rehearsal time to perfect. Brilliant. It's sexy, fun, sassy and little Trixie is feelin' the big hurt today. Holy Toledo!

Right now my muscles want nothing more than either my bed for a solid week or a nice jacuzzi...either of which can be paired with a handsome man without me raisin' a stink about it. If he's in uniform so much the better ;-)

The whole gang is great to work with. The guys are all real stand-up kind of gentlemen and the ladies are just a hoot! When we all get together it's hard to shut us up, but everyone works well in their pairings. This is gonna be fun.

1 comment:

Lefty said...

I second that jacuzzi motion, only replace the handsome man with a gorgeous dame. Isn't there anybody we know that's got a jacuzzi? If not, we gotta work on that... and what's all this "stand-up kind of gentlemen" talk all about? Dem's fightin' words where I come from... ;-)

Yeah, definitely kudos to Roxie for a fun dance to kick off our numbers for rehearsal. Fun times ahead!