Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Can't stop laughing!

So, last night was our first cue-to-cue rehearsal. For those of you not in the theatre, that means we run the show, concentrating on getting light and sound cues correct...meaning this is not a rehearsal for the actors, but for the tech and designers.
You will be happy to know that we've had a habit of cracking ourselves up in rehearsals, and then on top of it we were getting a bit squirrley, as actors often do in tech rehearsals. (the "look at me! Look at me!" syndrome). Our director, the fearsome Gianni Bosco, finally laid down the law and told us that he would charge us for each time we laughed on stage....which of course made everyone try even harder to be funny and crack up the rest of the cast. Needless to say, this rehearsal technic was only effective as a way to raise $$ for Piccolo Theatre, NOT to keep us from laughing! It actually only got worse.
We add costumes tonight! Ready to look hot everyone???

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