Monday, August 11, 2008

This jive is jumpin'!

I thought the gams would hold up this time. I thought I was prepared. After tango and jive rehearsal yesterday I was feelin' pretty good and ready to keep dancing the night away (albeit in flats), but this morning my right leg for some reason is carrying the brunt of the work we did yesterday. I'll survive and rehearsal tonight will help loosen things up again.

I'm really excited about the jive. It's fast and fun and I'm hopin' Lefty and I can work in a lift. Even if we can't I'll enjoy the dance. Roxie really did it again this time. Fantastic!


Moxie said...

Funny, my muscles don't hurt at worries. Just me, standing up. Ahhhhhhh. What's that? Nuthin. Nuthin. Just my right leg. A little tender from....

Yea.....a little sore over here too. I've been researching some jive moves for the solo bars and I've found some good ones! Can't wait to see what Rocko thinks about them. If you need some ideas, let me know and I'll get you the link.


Debs said...

what happened to your picture?!
I would LOVE to see some moves. Unfortunately, I can't watch streaming video at work. Go ahead and send the links and I'll watch 'em when I get home! Thanks!